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Deep Ecology Online Week 1: Introduction

Hello and welcome to the preparatory material for week one of our 6 week course: “Deep Ecology Online, practices for awakening and resilience in a changing world”. We are so glad you could join us, and look forward to exploring these important topics and more in the weeks to come.

Read more: Deep Ecology Online Week 1: Introduction

To prepare for our first session together, please watch this 40min video Introduction/ Overview BEFORE our first session.

Home Practice

Here are some suggested reflection Open Sentences for journaling after watching the video, these are not compulsory but may serve to deepen your experience of the material:

  • 1.       Some of the ways I experience Business As Usual is…
  • 2.       Some of the ways that I have observed or have felt impacted by The Great Unravelling is…
  • 3.       What inspires me to want to participate in The Great Transition is…
  • 4.       The Dimension(s) of the Great Transition that I’m most drawn to or am already participating in are…

Zoom Meeting Link:

Please visit the following page to access the zoom link for joining the live session. We will be using the same zoom link each week:


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